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se potepa po Ljubljani




Otroški turistični vodnik po Ljubljani »Škratek se potepa po Ljubljani« je zbirka 13

turističnih znamenitosti, ki so se še posebej vtisnile v spomin 5-6 letnim otrokom

Vrtca Galjevica med raziskovanjem najlepšega mesta Evrope - Ljubljane, ki ga v letu

2016 krasi tudi naziv Zelena prestolnica Evrope.

Otroci so znotraj celoletnega projekta obiskali preko 25 znamenitosti Ljubljane in

nato ob mentorstvu strokovnih delavk vrtca vsebinsko oblikovali zgodbico o Škratku

(povzet po Škratu Galu iz Narodne galerije ter Škratku prijateljčku), ki se potepa po

Ljubljani. Zgodbico so otroci ilustrirali ter v njej uporabili svoje fotografske posnetke.

The children’s tourist guide around the city of Ljubljana entitled » Elf is wandering

around Ljubljana« is a collection of 13 tourist sights which have left a particular

imprint in the memory of children from The Galjevica Kindergarten, aged 5-6,

during their exploration of the most beautiful city in Europe- Ljubljana- which has

been awarded the distinguished title »The European Green Capital« for 2016.

During a whole-year project the children visited over 25 sights of Ljubljana and

afterwards under the mentorship of the kindergarten professional workers created

the content of a story about the little Elf (adapted from Gal, the Dwarf from the

National Gallery and Elf, the little friend) who wanders around and explores the

city of Ljubljana. The story was illustrated by the children and it includes their own

photographs from their exploration of the Slovenian capital- Ljubljana.

Skupaj pa bomo poiskali tudi s pomočjo zemljevida Ljubljane:

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